When the Nintendo Wii first emerged on the scene, there was such a frenzy for it, that it became hard to find after a hot minute. It’s popularity skyrocketed within the first few days. Some people may wonder why others would be fascinated over a video game system. With the Nintendo Wii, there are several reasons why: The Nintendo Wii video game system was made so that people who normally play video games would like it. It is different than any of the other games people may have seen. The proof is in the fact that the game systems sold out very quickly in just a short amount of time. People were hunting all over for them after they sold out. This video game system appeals to so many people because it is user friendly. Even the person who is not video game literate can get a grasp of these games. The system comes with the Wii Sports collection. This collection consists of baseball, golf, tennis, bowling and boxing. There is a remote which is used to control the movements of the games. Since the remote is in charge of the movements, people don’t have to concern themselves with getting a sore thumb. For the most part, this remote control uses one hand. Instead of it being bulky and long like a television remove, it is short and slender. It can be use comfortably in either the left or the right hand. There will be no concerns about losing it because there is a strap attached that can be placed around the wrist. The same strap can be placed around the arm for another part of its uniqueness it when you make a movement with it, then the object moves. It doesn’t matter if you’re swinging, rolling or hitting. There is also a nunchuk, which is a device that is used for boxing and other games. Before a person can play any of the games, the user has to create a Mii character. The Mii program allows a person to customize your own playing character for the games. It comes with a schedule and a memo pad. When playing games on the Nintendo Wii, the person will definitely get a workout. In order to play the game, they have to move around with the remote and swing the arm in a certain direction, depending on what game is being played. This is better than playing some of those other name brand video games, where a person is are essentially a couch potato. An important thing to note is that people should not overdo it when playing games on the Nintendo Wii system. All of that swinging can make a person’s arm tire out. Even though they can be fun and addictive, those arms should savor any strength for another day. In addition to the basic Wii games that come with the package, there is also Wii Fit, which is a separate entity. Another reason why people probably bum rushed to get this video game system is because of the price. Nintendo Wii is affordable, compared to some of the others. Xbox 360 and PS3 were costlier. Nintendo Wii is considered to be cost-friendly for a lot of people. The price range is about $250 – $300. Of course, the other games are more advanced. Yet, the Wii games are challenging, but there’s something for everyone on every level.